Vegans and Crypto, The Wild West of the 21 Century?

Ben pulled up to his friend's house, the music was thumping people were hanging out and chit-chatting. He soon made his way inside to be greeted by the smell of delicious food. Ben was hungry. His head spun around the room to find the table; it was pushed up against the way in the corner with a full spread. Drinks, dip, chips, and lots of grub. He hurriedly gave everyone a shout-out then made a b-line to the table. He piled his plate high and pulled up a chair at the bar. 

 "This food is banging," he mumbled with a mouth full of potato salad. His friend Soul had pulled up a chair beside him with a plate like his. The two made small talk in between the pleasurable sounds of agreement on how good everything tasted. 

“This is some good Vegan food,” Soul smiled winking at Ben. 

"Vegan Food," Ben was so shocked he dropped his fork on the ground.

"Yeh, vegan," she repeated.

"Didn't you see the note on the table beside the dishes," she shrugged

 "No, I didn't see any note!" He barked.

"I was so hungry I had no idea that there was vegan food here."

Ben looked disgusted as if vegan was an alternative species as if he had accidentally eaten fish food or something. His only reference point for vegans was the annoying people on his timeline, radicals throwing paint on furs, or his one friend that guilts him out of eating chicken wings every time they hang out. The shock and hidden pleasure he felt from that meal haunted him the whole ride home. 

"I should have known something was up," he thought as you gripped the steering wheel. The way his friend kept snickering and asking him how he liked the meal should have told him something was up. 

 I can't shake the feeling, or the taste of the egg-free, butter-free cookies. Not to mention the taco dip I scarfed down. I couldn't tell it wasn't ground beef. On the low, I feel violated for not being told sooner but at the same time I want more.

The next few weeks were torture, he wanted to talk to someone but made so many vegan salad eating jokes he didn't know who to trust. Every night he would sneak off to binge-watch YouTube and Tik-Tok cooking videos. He eventually found a Vegan YouTube playlist and bookmarked about ten recipes that he wanted to try at home.

 Late one night, Ben sat down to check his crypto portfolio; everything was good for the most part so, he pulled up a few vegan documentaries. He watched them all and soon found himself pondering the connection between veganism and the crypto he loved so much. Funny enough it was his annoying vegan friend who introduced him to Bitcoin a few years ago. Crypto changed his life, she tried to change his diet but that's where he drew the line. 

 Recently, he got put on to NFT's they opened a whole new world. The NFT world reminded him of his love for art. and pulled him into social spaces to meet people he may have otherwise never met.  The more he thought, the clearer the picture became. Both veganism and crypto are disrupters, changing the old paradigm and introducing a new way of doing things. Both have pioneered and those who have taken an opposing side fighting to uphold the system as it was. Both get mainstream attention which in turn attracts the authentic and charlatans alike. Both are like the wild-wild west uncharted territory with major prospects of gold-digging. Both have junk clouding the judgment of newcomers who are unsure where to start and how to maintain in this new space. Finally, both have room to grow, education opportunities, and space to integrate the old and the new. Ben started to understand that to value one doesn't mean you have to devalue the other. 

At that moment, he picked up the phone to give that crypto vegan chick a call. She knew he would call and answered on the first ring. 


About Author

This article is written by Emunah a Vegan food business owner and NFT Newbie. I am on a quest to mint projects that aim to merge these two worlds together in order to create value for the collector, consumer and producer. Our first project will be the release of the Yummy Burger click here to learn more.

If you want to help with this project email

Good Food, Good Vibes
— The Yummy Cottage